Tuesday, November 9, 2010

It's been TUI long!!

This is way overtui, but here's a mish mosh of Tui fun and the GIANTS WINNING THE WORLD SERIES!!! :) Today I moved Tui's cage to the dining room in front of the sliding glass door, and I opened up her crate so there's no divider (it used to be split in half so she wouldn't have room to run around -- would just use as a den -- now she can actually enjoy life!). She has tons of room to sprawl out and is way happier. Plus we actually have a functional living room again - win/win. Also, Tui got to meet Danley & Patty over the weekend - best ever!!!! Oh, and ps. Tui gained almost 4 pounds in 2 weeks -- the vet thinks she'll be 100 pounder. Daaaang.

1 comment:

  1. Only 100 lbs? Tiny by our standards! Love the photo of her with her pink color and leash out in the yard. What a face!
