Sunday, November 28, 2010

Altuifests Meetings!!

We had a super fantastic Thanksgiving with the Altfests and Elonka (though Ima & Abba Danziger were VERY missed!). Tui LOVED meeting the amazing Altfest family, and of course seeing the always fabulous Elon & Lenka again. She had great playtime and showered everyone with handshakes, hugs, and kisses, as you can see in the pics (+ showered me with loads of bites). Tui adores her little elephant squeaky toy, and was so happy to be reunited with her squeaky bear from Barbara. Yay, sisters & MIL! Thanks for the tuieats (treats), and thanks Sami for taking such good care of the Tui-pupster!
ps. As you'll see, Tui also looked pretty rad in the new sunglasses we discovered on our walk. Jealous!
pps. She was very pleased to have a name tag and be "part of" Thanksgiving celebrations

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tui the dog!

 Tui meets her auntie Blaire (and completely loves her!!), hangs with pops Altfest, and generally pups it up. We've started taking her around the block for walks, and she's a natural out there! She was told today "oh my, you have fabulous ears" by an elderly lady. Pretty fantastic. She also became buddies with a jogger who she proceeded to follow when she jogged away. PS did I mention Tui's probably about 25 lbs now?? Snaps.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

It's been TUI long!!

This is way overtui, but here's a mish mosh of Tui fun and the GIANTS WINNING THE WORLD SERIES!!! :) Today I moved Tui's cage to the dining room in front of the sliding glass door, and I opened up her crate so there's no divider (it used to be split in half so she wouldn't have room to run around -- would just use as a den -- now she can actually enjoy life!). She has tons of room to sprawl out and is way happier. Plus we actually have a functional living room again - win/win. Also, Tui got to meet Danley & Patty over the weekend - best ever!!!! Oh, and ps. Tui gained almost 4 pounds in 2 weeks -- the vet thinks she'll be 100 pounder. Daaaang.