Monday, October 25, 2010

Tui Months Old!

October 25, 2010: Today is Tui's 2-month birthday - Happy Birthday, little Tui-meister!! We're so happy to have you!!!

We brought Tui home on Friday 10/22, and this is her asleep on my lap in the back seat of the car. Umm...ridiculous! When she wasn't snoozing, she was climbing up me to stick her head in the window pane and fog it up with puppy breath.

She's a total sweetheart and a puppy to the maximum --pooping in her crate, whining/howling/talking like a monkey, and pulling some serious energizer bunny moves throughout the night (goodbye, sleep!).

Today was the first day I left her alone in the crate for extended periods while at work. She was a rockstar. A little poo in the cage, but what's a little doodie between friends?

Right now she's passed out in her pen just beside her pops...who is passed out on his couch.

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